my edible garden reporter…

Listada de Gandia Heirloom Eggplant … summer’s finally in full bloom and glory. With a couple of mountainous personal tasks out of the way, I’m happily settling back into the hum of the mediocre and quotidian. I never thought I’d say this, but “how *blissful!*” I have been, amidst my hurrying about, eating out quite a lot in […]


my edible garden reporter…

Listada de Gandia Heirloom Eggplant … summer’s finally in full bloom and glory. With a couple of mountainous personal tasks out of the way, I’m happily settling back into the hum of the mediocre and quotidian. I never thought I’d say this, but “how *blissful!*” I have been, amidst my hurrying about, eating out quite a lot in […]
